Harsánylejtő Kertváros


After a successful sale of the available 88 development plots of Phase I of the Harsánylejtő project, the second phase – also known as Harsánylejtő Kertváros - commenced in 2016, during which BIF Plc. developed a total of 65 plots., which are suitable for the development of family- and/or semi-detached houses, as well as larger condominium blocks with 4-6 apartments each. The full range of utility services available, new roads built in the area and the adopted legal regulation (which sets a low, 20% building-area coverage), are a guarantee for a modern and high-quality suburban life-style. Choose from our offer of properties for sale the one which best suits your needs and expectations.

  • 16épület
  • 80lakás
  • 4értékesítési ütem
  • 50-90 m2alapterület
  • 100%zöldövezet

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