Harsánylejtő Kertváros


The residential development project with a suburban atmosphere and 80 apartments is located in the green area of Óbuda, at the foot of the Hármashatárhegy (natural forest), just 10 minutes away from the Árpád Bridge. The development consists of 16 blocks of 5 apartments each, which are designed to meet a wide range of customer needs. Harsánylejtő Kertváros (Harsánylejtő Suburb / Garden City) offers smaller apartments of 55 m2 floor area, and apartments with 3-bedrooms + living room for larger families, up to penthouse apartments with panoramic roof terraces. The blocks feature basement-level garages and storerooms, which are connected to the apartments by elevator, thus there is  convenient access to the ground-floor apartments which have direct garden connection, but also to the higher level apartments upstairs. For those who prefer a green environment, but do not insist on having their own garden, we recommend the higher floor apartments, which feature common garden areas.

For further information please visit harsanylejto.hu

  • 16épület
  • 80lakás
  • 4értékesítési ütem
  • 50-90 m2alapterület
  • 100%zöldövezet

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